support us with amazonsmile
step 1: register on desktop
Go to
2. Sign into your Amazon account
3. Prompt will say ‘start by picking your charity’ or ‘choose your charity’
4. search ‘animal lighthouse rescue’
Important Note: when browsing amazon for any future purchases, you must browse from the URL!
Step 2: Register on Mobile
Take this step if you shop on your phone!
Click on the 3 lines (bottom right on iPhone, bottom left on Android)
Click ‘settings’
Click ‘Amazon Smile’
Click ‘Turn on Amazon Smile’
Your amazon smile on mobile browsing needs to be renewed twice a year, allow notifications and Amazon will prompt you to renew when the time comes.
Important Note: Your amazon smile on mobile browsing needs to be renewed twice a year. allow notifications and Amazon will prompt you to renew when the time comes.
How to Change your Existing Charity:
Must be done on a desktop.
Go to
Click the dropdown that says “supporting: (current charity)”
Beside your current charity, it will say “change”
Under "pick your own charitable organization," search for and choose Animal Lighthouse Rescue!