First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Email Address
Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Are you applying for any specific dog or dogs? If so, which dog(s)?
Why do you want to adopt a pet?
What do you like most about having a pet?
What do you like least about having a pet?
Who are you adopting the pet for?
Who will be the primary caregiver of the pet?
Are you employed?
Full time
Part time
Work from home
Employer Address, City, State, Zip:
Work Phone Number:
How long have you worked here?
How long have you lived here?
If not a ground entrance, what floor?
Do you rent or own?
If you have no fenced yard, how will your pet relieve themselves/exercise?
Do you plan on moving in the foreseeable future? If so, where will you move and why?
Please list the names and ages of the adults with whom you live:
If you are adopting as a couple, how long have you been with your significant other?
Are you married?
Please list the names and ages of any children with whom you live:
Are all members of your household aware of and in agreement with this adoption?
If no, what are their objections or concerns?
Does anyone in your home suffer from animal allergies?
What is your household activity level?
Do all of the adults work full time?
How many hours are you gone a day?
How many hours a day will your new pet be alone?
If you are working from home due to the pandemic, are you tentatively planning to return to working from an office? If yes, how many hours a day will your new pet be alone and what is your plan for their continued care?
If you have any companion animals currently in your home, please list their names, type of animal, gender, age and if they are spayed/neutered:
Has a previous pet ever run away?
Where will your new pet be kept when he/she is alone?
Where will your new pet be kept during the night?
Do you travel often?
Who will care for your pet when you travel? Please provide full names, phone numbers and email addresses:
Is a home visit okay?
Can you financially afford the medical care, training and other expenses associated with having a pet?
If you rent, does your lease allow pets?
Landlord Name:
Landlord Address and Phone Number:
Please provide the name, address and phone number of two (2) people not related to you but who can attest to your character and ability to have a pet:
Please provide your veterinarian's name, address and phone number:
How did you find out about Animal Lighthouse Rescue?
Please provide any other information that may be helpful for us to know when reviewing your application:
In connection with this adoption, we request a $600 donation fee to help us offset costs (it costs us nearly 3x this amount to rescue, rehabilitate, and transport each dog). Is this acceptable to you?