Our team in Puerto Rico saw Thiago’s limp and knew that he needed to be saved. We only caught him because the treats that we used to lure him had a tranquilizer pill in it. He eluded us for hours but when he was groggy, he finally allowed himself to be led into our crate.

It became apparent to us after a medical screening and X-Ray that Thiago had sustained a nasty break in his hind leg during his life on the streets. That break had “healed” incorrectly, so three of his toes on his back leg were deformed and couldn’t carry his weight. He lived day to day with a painful limp.

But we were dedicated to his wellbeing: we took him to several orthopedic specialists here in New York City. We were told that it was inoperable, but that there was a solution nonetheless: he was measured to fit into a brace that was specially made for him. With the assistance of the brace, his leg could carry his weight without pain! It was an amazing day to see him run again.

We overcame these hurdles, but the next was finding a forever family that would be willing to invest their own time and energy into caring for Thiago’s special needs. At just the right time, the perfect family came along. Now, Thiago is forever-loved in New Jersey with a mama, two human sisters and a spacious backyard. Happy forever, Thiago.


happy tails for Thiago!